커피 컬럼 정보

커피를 즐깁시다 / Street Smarts #1 by verve


The Street Smarts series will be geared towards answering any and all coffee educational questions we receive through social media. If you have a question hit us up on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and we'll try to get some info to you. Videos might be just simple Q&A or even full blown tutorials depending on the topic. In this installment we cover coffee to water ratio, V60 pouring technique, and brew water temperature. Enjoy!

Dialing in Your Grind Setting for V60

요즘 벌브 커피가 소비자 교육에 참 열심힙니다. ^^ 핵심적이지만 이해하기 쉬운 영상들 우리나라도 많이 생겼으면 좋겠네요.



대한민국 No.1 커피 미디어 "블랙워터이슈" 입니다.