커피 장비


서리(Admin) 13.02.07. 09:00
댓글 0 조회 수 4076





Data readouts from 6 temperature sensors placed in various spots on the machine. From hottest to coolest: in the thermoblock near the water path (red and top green, in slightly different locations); on the top of the thermoblock (purple); by pressure sensor (yellow); ambient internal temperature (orange); portafilter (blue; that temperature bump at ~1800 is when we inserted it into the group).




Above you see Wade steaming 12oz of milk with the steam wand. We’ve also got a video of Igor steaming milk at home, with a little more detail on the LED light-up feature of the buttons (here), and a 4-minute video of the machine continuously steaming to demonstrate steam capacity (here). In the latter video you see that, once fully tuned, the machine can basically steam continuously until there’s no more water left in the tank - though this is not necessarily the most efficient way to humidify your home sauna, so don’t get any ideas.


Zamlinsky Device pictured above, including pressure and temperature sensors that can be used for verification of internal machine sensors.

ZPM ESPRESSO 프로토 타입 테스트



대한민국 No.1 커피 미디어 "블랙워터이슈" 입니다.
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