커피 장비


Rocket R 58 Dual Boiler espresso machine

Most dual boiler PID espresso machines measure the water temperature used for the extraction in the brew boiler. The boiler temperature reading is then converted into a “group extraction” temperature. This information is misleading and inaccurate, as the digital readout does not display the real temperature at the group rather the temperature the manufacturer wishes the user to see.

Rocket Espresso measure the boiler temperature and display the boiler temperature.


(*) The “SCASE” Thermofilter elevates the art of espresso by employing applied measurement science. Very convenient brew temperature measurements are now possible through use of the Thermofilter. The results of these measurements enhance machine optimization for specific coffee blends, enable individual coffee shops to establish enhanced quality control procedures for their machinery, and increase knowledge of the thermal behaviour of espresso machines. This knowledge is immediately useful in compensating for intermittent duty machine behaviour. 

The Thermofilter enables performance comparisons of different espresso machines and technologies by use of systematic testing protocols. Accurate temperature studies will result in new machines with enhanced tuneability and stability that produce better taste than ever before.
The Holy Grail of temperature devices? Well, let’s just say, that this is the state of the art of something big. How big? Nobody knows for sure. However new machines coming to the market are being evaluated with this device, and the current World Barista Championship (WBC) and United States Barista Competition (USBC) technical standards teams all use this device to test and evaluate the machines used in competitions.

(**) Ambient temperature 19°C. (66.2 °F)


대한민국 No.1 커피 미디어 "블랙워터이슈" 입니다.
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