

Coffee Quality Institute

Important Update

Dear Q Graders, 

We are writing today with an important update regarding Q Calibration policies.

For the past year, CQI has been including the flavor standards exam as a part of the Q Calibration course on a trial basis. Every Q Grader who participated helped evaluate its effectiveness in demonstrating continued flavor identification skill. After a year of use and evaluation, we have weighed the pros and cons of including this exam in calibrations and have made the decision to remove it.

This means when you calibrate, the flavor standards exam will not be included.

Q Calibrations are a critical check-in to confirm that you are practicing and retaining your core skills as Q Graders. When it comes to certifications, consistent coffee quality evaluation is our priority. CQI engages in an ongoing process of evaluation to ensure that we are providing a necessary and beneficial alignment for coffee cuppers around the world. 

Best regards,
The CQI Education Team


플레이버 항목이 제외된다는거 같은데 맞나요? 영영어 실력이 짧아서 잘 모르겠네요...

플레이버가 빠지면 무슨 의미가 있는거지

댓글 2



2024-02-13 15:24  #2300873

저도  공지 받았는데 여기에서 말하는 플레이버 스탠다드 학습및 시험은 원래 없었던 과정이었는데 2년전엔가 갑자기 생겨서 1년에 한번 플레이버테스트 아로마를 구입해서 시행하라고 했다가 다시 칼리브레이션(재인증 3년만에 한번씩 하는 시험)때 하라고 했다가 이번에 이것도 제외되었다는 뜻인것 같습니다.

앞으로 3년에 한번 하는 칼리브레이션만 잘 받으시면 될 것 같습니다.


익명5979X호 작성자

2024-02-13 16:51  #2300981


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