기타 커피 기업


Nobreaker 24.04.01. 16:10
댓글 0 조회 수 155
위치 서울시 강서구 마곡
웹사이트 https://group.sucafina.com/
설립 1977
최고책임자 Nicolas Tamari
주요 취급 품목 Green Coffee
취급 브랜드 Sucafina, Sucafina Specialty
대표 전화 010-2493-2406


The family business was established in 1905 in the coastal city of Jaffa, Palestine. They exported oranges and imported foodstuffs, selling their goods throughout the Middle East and expanding with each generation. This led to the founding in 1977 of a company in the city of Geneva, Switzerland, which dealt in sugar (SU), café (CA), and finance (FINA).

Two generations later, SUCAFINA is entirely focused on coffee. It remains a family company with a strong entrepreneurial culture and an eye for value, but all investments and development activities are in support of the global coffee supply chain. SUCAFINA is one of the leading trade houses in the world, and sources coffee from most producing countries.



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