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라마르조꼬 머신 네임의 유래


La Marzocco Machine Names


On January 14th, we celebrated a great occasion within the La Marzocco family, as we congratulated Piero Bambi on his 79th birthday. What a milestone!

Piero is the son of Giuseppi Bambi, who, along with Piero’s uncle Bruno, started La Marzocco in 1927. Piero has spent much of his life carrying on his father and his uncle’s legacy of building the finest quality espresso machines. Piero has had a hand in the design of every La Marzocco espresso machine that is currently in production. If you ever visit the La Marzocco factory in Scarperia, just outside of Florence, Italy, you’ll find that Piero still goes into work every day, and is still actively participates in design and engineering projects and meetings.”





With a lineup of espresso machines that includes Linea, GB/5, FB/80, GS/3, and Strada models, we often get questions from our customers and the people who use our equipment about what the names mean. Our machines are generally named for members of the Bambi family – our founders and our heritage; for important milestones in our history; or for new technological advancements introduced by La Marzocco.



FB Series

In 1997, La Marzocco celebrated its 70th anniversary. In honor of the occasion, La Marzocco introduced an alternate body style that could be installed on the Linea – the only La Marzocco espresso machine that was in production at the time. This special body style was made of resin, and was offered in custom colors of the customer’s choice. To honor the Bambi family, the machine was named the FB/70, or Fratelli Bambi 70 (The brothers Bambi).





The FB/80 is named for the 80th anniversary of La Marzocco. It was designed, built, and released just ahead of the anniversary. Like the FB/70, it features a curvy resin body style that is available in custom colors. The features of the FB/80 are the same as those found in the GB/5.






The GB/5 was designed primarily by Piero Bambi, and was released in 2005. The GB/5 features a number of technologies that come together to provide superior temperature stability and control. In 2005, as the time came to release the machine, Piero chose to name it for his wife, Giovanna Bambi. Thus, the name was GB and 5 for 2005, the year it was introduced.





The design of the La Marzocco GS/3, introduced in 2007, draws inspiration from the iconic GS series of commercial espresso machines that were in production 1970-1991. The La Marzocco GS was the first dual-boiler espresso machine, and featured saturated groups (“GS” stands for “gruppo saturo”).

Today, the GS series remains iconic for its low profile, classic styling, and as the source of the original paddle group. The styling has endured and is a symbol of what makes La Marzocco so classic. The body style of the GS/3 is reminiscent of the GS series, however, it occupies a smaller footprint, intended for the home or for light commercial uses.




Each La Marzocco espresso machine is named to recognize or pay tribute to our past, our family, and our traditions. We look forward to sharing more as we introduce new products in the future!



 요약하자면 FB 시리즈는 창립자 밤비의 형제, Fratelli Bambi 의 이니셜에 창립 기념연도인 1927년을 기준으로 70주년, 80주년의 숫자를 따서 FB 70, FB 80 으로 네이밍 되었습니다. GB 시리즈는 밤비의 와이프인 Giovanna Bambi 의 이름을 따서 명명이 되었고, GB/5 의 5 는 런칭되었던 2005년의 숫자 5를 의미한다고 하네요.


GS는 사람의 이름은 아니구요. 이탈리아어로 gruppo saturo 의 이니셜이며 (영문으로는 saturated group), 보일러의 물이 그룹 헤드내부에도 차있는 구조를 의미합니다. 쉽게 GS 는 라마르조꼬의 침출식 그룹헤드를 의미한다 보시면 되실듯.. 라마르조꼬는 1969년에 처음 수평형 듀얼 보일러를 적용했었고(이전에는 라마르조꼬도 원 보일러 시스템이었죠), 이후 이 구조를 채용해서 패들형 GS 시스템을 만들어 냅니다. GS/3 의 그룹헤드는 초기의 그룹헤드와는 차이가 있고, 또 다른 머신들도 모두 G/S 스타일의 그룹헤드를 갖추고 있지만 초기 GS 머신을 계승한다는 의미부여에서 GS 라는 이름을 붙인것으로 보시면 되실 듯 합니다. 

 출처 : http://www.lamarzoccousa.com/blog/la-marzocco-machine-names/



대한민국 No.1 커피 미디어 "블랙워터이슈" 입니다.

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2020-12-07 19:07  #1412926

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작성자: 서리(Admin)

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